
Damage to Braces or Retainers Requiring Urgent Care

Usually, during Orthodontic emergency situations, you may experience breakage or sometimes loosening of your appliance.

If you ever come to this situation, immediately visit the Britto Orthodontics clinic, where a skilled orthodontist in Woodbridge, VA can offer you the necessary treatment.

A few orthodontic emergencies

Common orthodontic emergency situations include:

1) Soreness and discomfort in your teeth

During the orthodontic adjustment, there may be pain or soreness in the teeth, which is quite common. Even after taking painkillers and a warm compress, you do not get relief, then speak to emergency orthodontic.

2) Ulcers or sores

Sometimes, wearing braces can be uncomfortable, especially if they brush against your lips or cheeks and produce sores or ulcers. Orthodontic wax applied to the afflicted areas might help reduce discomfort and offer relief.

3) Poking out Braces wires

If you have to cope with an annoying broken bracket or wire, you may experience excruciating pain. You should be able to go about your day pain-free if you only apply some orthodontic wax to the sharp edge. But for a long-term fix, don’t forget to visit your orthodontist.

4) Food stuck in Braces

Ignoring food fragments stuck in braces can be uncomfortable and cause serious problems. Removing food using a toothbrush or interdental brush is often quite successful.

Take time to clean your braces carefully. You should seek additional help from your orthodontist if the issue persists.

5) Loose Braces, wires, or brackets

Your orthodontist must respond right away to a severe orthodontic emergency, such as a broken or loose bracket or loose braces wires.

These issues can cause significant pain and sores. If left unaddressed, they might extend your treatment time and lead to additional complications.

6) Broken retainer

If your retainer gets broken due to some reasons then all the progress made by you may get reversed. Sometimes even your teeth may also get shifted.

It is important to contact your orthodontist immediately during such a situation so that your retainer can be changed.

7) Missing rubber bands

Elastic ligatures or rubber bands are essential for holding the arch wire in place. Your orthodontic treatment’s effectiveness may be impacted by missing bands. It is important to contact your orthodontist to have them replaced promptly.

8) Protruding wire

In case your bracket ever gets broken or cracked then the wire of your braces may stick out. Only your orthodontist can offer a permanent solution in such a situation. You must contact him without further delay.

9) Swallowed piece of the appliance

Sometimes, by accident, you may end up ingesting the orthodontic appliance, which is an emergency issue. Make quick contact with your orthodontist and get medical attention as soon as you can.

10) Headgear pain

There is always a possibility of some pain and discomfort when in the beginning, you start wearing your headgear. However, after a brief period of time, you will get adjusted to this pain.

You can buy any painkiller that can be purchased from any of the medical counter nearby. However, if you feel that even after consuming a dose of painkiller, you are still experiencing severe pain then it is important to contact them.